Thursday, July 12, 2007

My First Sandstorm

Things are going well here in Kaedi. I had to switch language instructors; the new language instructor makes the class omelettes so I think I will live.

On Tuesday night I went to sleep outside as I usually do. It is nice sleeping outside. The air is much cooler there than inside and you get to fall asleep looking at the un-light polluted sky. But on Tuesday night I was awaken by some very strong winds and as I opened my eyes and noticed that I could no longer see the beautiful sky, I said to myself you should probably go inside. The house was then pounded by winds and sand the rest of the evening and when I awoke everything I owned had a layer of dust covering it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

See- we still have some things in common. When I wake up, everything I own is covered in a layer of dog hair =)